Car Insurance

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It’s easy to compare cheap quotes for motor insurance in Jamaica with Simply fill out a few details about yourself, your driving history, and your car, and you’ll be able to compare quotes quickly!

It doesn’t take long

Pop in details of yourself, your licence, and your car, and you’ll be able to compare car insurance quotes quickly.

We'll search for savings

We’ll show you car insurance quotes along with other features and give you an easy way to compare policies.

Select and buy online

Select the best quote and secure coverage right away online with us. It is that simple.

How to Get the Best Motor Insurance in Jamaica

To see your personalised motor insurance quotes and compare, we’ll need some information on:

Details of the car

The car make and model is needed. We’ll also need the car’s age and sum insured value, and let us know of any modifications you’ve made.

What you’ll use the car for

Social, commuting, or business, and how many miles you think you’ll do a year. You’ll also need to say where you’ll keep the car at night for security. And you can add any other drivers to your policy at this stage.

Your details

Including your name, your occupation, your age, and contact information.

Your driving history

The number of years you’ve held your driver’s licence. You can also add any additional driving qualifications you have here, such as defensive driving.

No Claims Discount (NCD) history

Details of your no claims discount will help lower the price you are quoted by up to 60%. If you don’t know your no claims discount, don’t worry: we can get it from your previous insurer.

Car Insurance

Insurance quote checklist

  • Your occupation
  • Your type of car
  • Your age
  • What you use your car for
  • How long have you been driving
  • Claims or accidents
  • Additional drivers


The average cost of motor insurance in Jamaica for 2023 was $92,000. We all love lower car insurance prices. However, these savings are unlikely to be passed on automatically. The best way to get a cheaper car insurance quote is to shop around and compare car insurance.

Don’t auto-renew

Don’t auto-renew

Over a third of drivers still allow their policy to be automatically renewed, and they could be losing out by not shopping around. Take our word for it.

Compare quotes

Compare quotes

The average customer has saved over $34,000 on their car insurance premium.

Increase your excess

Increase your excess

Insurers are likely to reduce the cost of cover if you increase your excess. Just make sure your excess is affordable. Read our blog for more information on this.

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